
Chinese government delcares a “decisive victory” in the battle against COVID-19

In what could well be an ironic “storm before the lull” sort of statement, the Chinese government has declared a “decisive victory” in the battle against COVID-19, even as the figures show otherwise. Furthermore, the government is claiming it has wrought “a miracle in the history of human civilization” in successfully steering China through the […]

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EU putting weight behind Ethiopia’s Tedros for a second term in WHO DG role

Tedros 2.0? German government sources told Reuters on 23 September that Berlin would officially nominate Tedros as the Director General (DG) of the World Health Organization (WHO) for the second time around and was seeking support from other European Union (EU) member states. At least 17 EU states have said they would also submit his

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Pandemic preparedness: better late than never

Billion-dollar plan  Almost as if to make up for the lost Trump year during the pandemic, the White House has put together an ambitious new plan with a $65.3 billion price tag that could transform the way the United States responds to pandemics by vastly accelerating vaccine development, testing, and production. But is the plan big enough?  Announced on 03 September, the scheme hopes to launch with

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