Global Health

EU and US launch joint task force on global health threats; The latest health stories from around the world

Article by Lalita Panicker, Consulting Editor, Views and Editor, Insight, Hindustan Times, New Delhi The European Union and the United States have launched a new joint health task force to cooperate on cancer, global health threats and related supply chains and infrastructure, officials told a press conference last Wednesday. The task force was set […]

EU and US launch joint task force on global health threats; The latest health stories from around the world Read More »

Pourquoi certains efforts en matière de santé mondiale échouent-ils?

Article original publié par Newsweek : Disponible sur HARALD NUSSER RESPONSABLE DES SOLUTIONS GLOBALES POUR LES PATIENTS CHEZ GILEAD SCIENCES Le bilan mondial des décès officiellement attribués au COVID-19 s’élève à plus de 6,5 millions. Et lorsque les chercheurs incluent les décès qui sont probablement dus à la pandémie, le bilan est beaucoup plus

Pourquoi certains efforts en matière de santé mondiale échouent-ils? Read More »

Por que algumas iniciativas globais na área da saúde não estão sendo eficazes?

Artigo original publicado pela Newsweek: Disponível em HARALD NUSSER DIRETOR DA DIVISÃO “GLOBAL PATIENT SOLUTIONS” DA EMPRESA GILEAD SCIENCES O número oficial de mortos em decorrência da COVID-19 já ultrapassa 6,5 milhões de pessoas. E, quando nesta estatística os pesquisadores incluem os casos de mortes que de algum modo também estão associadas à pandemia,

Por que algumas iniciativas globais na área da saúde não estão sendo eficazes? Read More »

Why Are Some Global Health Efforts Failing?

Original article published by Newsweek: Available at HARALD NUSSERHEAD OF GLOBAL PATIENT SOLUTIONS AT GILEAD SCIENCES The worldwide death toll officially attributed to COVID-19 stands at more than 6.5 million. And when researchers include deaths that are likely due to the pandemic as well, the toll stands much higher. Many of these tragic deaths

Why Are Some Global Health Efforts Failing? Read More »

Countries across Asia open borders post-COVID

After two-and-a-half years of tight pandemic controls, some of Asia’s last holdouts are opening their borders, as they move to bolster their economies and play catch-up with a world that has largely learned to live with COVID. Hong Kong said on Friday that it would abandon mandatory hotel quarantine for people coming to the city starting next week,

Countries across Asia open borders post-COVID Read More »

COVID-19 deaths lowest recorded since March 2020

World Health Organization (WHO) Director General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus has said: “Last week, the number of weekly reported deaths from COVID-19 was the lowest since March 2020. We have never been in a better position to end the pandemic.” But the WHO chief also warned that if the world does not seize the opportunity now,

COVID-19 deaths lowest recorded since March 2020 Read More »

A new viral infection referred to as Tomato FLu, first detected in children in Kerala in May, has spread to two other states of India

An outbreak of a new viral infection referred to as tomato flu that was first detected in children in the southern Indian state of Kerala in May has spread to two other states of the country.

A new viral infection referred to as Tomato FLu, first detected in children in Kerala in May, has spread to two other states of India Read More »

World Mosquito Day 2022: Climate change could threaten to expand malaria transmissions in Africa

Africa faces new challenges in its fight against malaria: the climate is becoming more mosquito friendly just as the insects are evolving to evade the insecticides and the malaria parasites are becoming resistant to medicines that have brought down deaths. In 2020, the World Health Organization estimated approximately 90% of malaria cases and 92% of deaths occurred in Africa. Over 600,000 African children died of malaria in that year alone.

World Mosquito Day 2022: Climate change could threaten to expand malaria transmissions in Africa Read More »

Un déclin surprenant des chiffres de la vaccination des enfants en Afrique dans le contexte du COVID-19, encore une autre victime de la pandémie

Selon l’UNICEF, 23 millions d’enfants dans le monde n’ont pas reçu de vaccins essentiels dans le cadre des services de vaccination de routine à cause de la pandémie de COVID-19.

Un déclin surprenant des chiffres de la vaccination des enfants en Afrique dans le contexte du COVID-19, encore une autre victime de la pandémie Read More »

China reiterates commitment to “zero-COVID”; The latest health stories from around the world

Xi Jinping reiterated China’s commitment to zero-COVID, declaring “persistence is victory”, as Shanghai and Beijing were hit with new lockdowns, shutdowns, and mass testing drives just a week after the cities celebrated the easing of restrictions. ( In response to China’s worst outbreak of the pandemic, Shanghai spent months under an arduous and strict citywide

China reiterates commitment to “zero-COVID”; The latest health stories from around the world Read More »